Our work
Together for Mental Health Partnership Board
Some of our members sit on the T4MH Partnership Board and represent service users and carers by highlighting issues they face when accessing mental health services.
Members who sit on the Board also sit on various working groups including Suicide and Self Harm and Psychological Therapies Stakeholder Reference Group.
The Partnership Board meets quarterly, and the board receives reports from each of the working groups as to what work they are undertaking and also what priority areas their service is focusing on.
To find out more about the work of the Together for Mental Health Partnership Board please contact us.
National Partnership Board
Sharon our director attends The National Partnership Board meetings which are attended by Welsh Government representatives along with strategic leads from each of the 7 health boards, Public Health and also from a variety of voluntary and 3rd sector organisations.
The Board looks at strategy and Policy which influences mental health services throughout Wales and also within local health boards.
As a lived experience organisation, we ensure that the views of service users and carers are embedded in any policy or strategy development right at the very start and that services continue to meet the needs of those who need help and support.
The National Partnership Board are currently developing the new 10 Year Mental Health Strategy which lays out the ambition for mental health services now and in the future.
Once the strategy is completed, we will share it on our website so you can find out how services will affect you in the future.
Psychological Therapies Stakeholder Reference Group
Some of our members attend the local Psychological Therapies meetings which looks at the quality of Psychological Therapies in both Primary and Secondary Care.
During 2020/2021 some our volunteers carried out a review of Psychological Therapies by speaking to people who had received or were receiving therapy to find out about their experiences and what could be improved within the service.
Following this review several recommendations were made and these are now being implemented by the Psychology department in collaboration with our staff and service users.
Wales Mental Health and Wellbeing Forum
We have members who represent our area at National level and consult on legislative issues such as care and treatment planning, suicide prevention, stigma, discrimination and ending coercive practice, ECT and neurodiversity.
Our Forum members work collaboratively with other key stakeholders to influence Welsh Government policy by using their skills, knowledge and experience gained within the field of mental health.